Work in progress

Work in progress:

Can Redemption Fees Prevent Runs on Funds? (with Xuesong Huang)

Presentation slides

Bailout limits and the bail-in game (with Yuliyan Mitkov)

Transparency vs. Ambiguity in Bailout Policy (with Ok Lee)


Older unpublished work:

Aggregate Liquidity Management, with Daniel Sanches, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Working Paper 16-32, November 2016.

Floor systems and the Friedman rule: The fiscal arithmetic of open market operations, with Antoine Martin and Jamie McAndrews. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report No. 754, December 2015.

Presentation slides

Liquidity Crises and Discount Window Lending: Theory and Implications for the Dollarization Debate, with Gaetano Antinolfi, Centro de Investigacion Economica Discussion Paper 00-02, ITAM, September 2000.